пʼятниця, 9 серпня 2013 р.

The Firefly Italian/English Visual Dictionary (9781554077168) Jean-Claude Corbeil, Ariane Archambault

Product Details:

Publisher: Firefly Books; Bilingual edition (August 12, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1554077168
ISBN-13: 978-1554077168

Product Dimensions:

8.7 x 6.8 x 1.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Italy is one of North America's most important trading partners, and Italian is widely taught in American schools xcode tutorial for beginners. Carefully designed for quick and easy reference, this bilingual dictionary uses more than 3,600 handsome annotated illustrations to accurately define and describe more than 20,000 terms xcode tutorial for beginners. The Italian entries are also identified with the gender xcode tutorial for beginners. Two extensive indexes, one English and another in Italian, make navigation simple, so finding a term or word in either language is fast xcode tutorial for beginners. This new dictionary is essential for Italian speakers learning English as a second language, for bilingual speakers and for English speakers wanting to learn Italian for practical reasons, such as travel or business.

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